Honor the Backstory

Photo courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo. Edits by the grace of Canva.

Social media aficionados, bloggers, consultants, CEO’s and outlaws: we’ve all got a backstory. It may not make our A roll on Instagram, but it’s there. Oh, it’s there. It’s there in the years it took to build our businesses and relationships. It’s there in the disappointing rejections, hard lessons and isolating days behind a computer wearing pajamas while Tweeting fitness memes from a camera library. Haven’t been to the gym in eight months.

I’m not documenting this to tease out your confession.* That’s none of my biznitch. I’m sharing this to keep myself honest. Here’s what I’m not:

I have no prejudices against any of the above. Those are fields I don’t get paid for. Though Animal Spirit Magazine is a brilliant idea. Should that ever launch, I call dibs on intellectual property**. And I’m not making fun. I’ve worked with talented life coaches and found value in their offerings. Before I digress beyond repair…

“Don’t try to be something you’re not. And resist pretending that A Roll is the only way to live.”
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..what I’m trying to say is this: know the value of what you bring to your colleagues, clients and collaborations. Don’t try to be something you’re not. And resist pretending that A Roll is the only way to live. Learning from mistakes is one of the greatest benefits of entrepreneurship. I once said this to a friend on Instagram: Constantly leading with your A Roll makes you seem like an A Hole. And my subsequent advice:

“Constantly leading with your A Roll makes you seem like an A Hole.”
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The backstory is so gold. Take it from Clients From Hell. Sooooo…good.

Now that I’ve put my ass in front of my elbow (what even?), does this mean I must blog about the backstory? Fine. Fine. Stay tuned.

 “The backstory is so gold.”
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*Bold-faced lie. I want your confession
**Not kidding

What’s your backstory, morning glory? Share it here in the comments, on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

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