{#SirenChat} April Topics

Edits by the grace of Canva.

#SirenChat is on for the month of April thanks to popular demand. And, the cold hard truth that I can’t seem to tear myself away from you guys. Our online community shines with knowledgeable folks ready and willing to share their insights, resources and humor. How can I put the kibosh on that? Can’t.

If you’re new to #SirenChat, you might be asking “What’s it all about?” This Twitter Chat is part book club, part coffee clutch, part clearinghouse and part improv show. Topics that fascinate me and thus tend to direct #SirenChat conversations include leadership, decision-making, project management, mindfulness tools and gut instinct. In March, we covered an array of these topics and we’ll continue to explore. I’m a fan of “found material” and just yesterday, came across this brills recap of an interview with Malcolm Gladwell (thank you Brain Pickings). Guess what April hashtag flowers will bring. Yep:

“That’s your responsibility as a person, as a human being — to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don’t contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you’re not thinking.”

~ Malcolm Gladwell, via Brain Pickings

Before tuning in to the next #SirenChat on Wednesday, April 1 2015 12-1 pm EST, do yourself a solid and check out Brain Pickings‘ recap of Mr. Gladwell’s interview and bring your brain for a lively discussion. Bonus track (literally): three outstanding audios on aforementioned blog. #yum

“Sorry — you don’t get points for accepting someone who wants to be just like you. You get points for accepting someone who doesn’t want to be like you — that’s where the difficulty lies.”

~ Malcolm Gladwell, via Brain Pickings

“I feel I change my mind all the time. And I sort of feel that’s your responsibility as a person, as a human being — to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don’t contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you’re not thinking.”

~ Malcolm Gladwell, via Brain Pickings


Edits by the grace of Canva

Want to make sure you’re “in the know” of the #SirenChat community? Sign up on Twitter and become a member of my @urbansiren Twitter list #SirenChat. Not so sure what Twitter Lists are all about? Read this via Make Use Of.

Since building an interactive, friendly and inviting online community is what #SirenChat is all about, I’d love it if you’d share the below “tweetables” and help grow this party.

As always, thanks for being here. And if you’d like to put questions in the hopper for April’s #SirenChat, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section here, on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. Cheers!


“If you’re going to hold someone to what they believe, make sure you accurately represent what they believe.” ~ Malcolm Gladwell

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.@urbansiren is obsessed w/ #MalcolmGladwell + so am I. That’s why I’m at the next #SirenChat 4/1 12-1 pm  EST.

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I discovered an online Twitter community that loves discussing #leadership + #integrity. Join #SirenChat each Weds in April.

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{#SirenChat} Transcript 3/25/2015

Photo courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo

Reconnecting with my online community is a highlight of my #SirenChat series this month as we explore the theme “Design Your Life.” Sometimes we need to make decisions real-time and rely on mindfulness tools to stay centered and grounded while living the fast-paced existence of entrepreneurship. One of the reasons I started #SirenChat on Twitter is to provide an opportunity for business leaders and innovators to connect with like-minded professionals. I hope it’s been as rewarding for me as it has been for you!

Here’s a roundup of the topics we covered on #SirenChat today:

Q1: What mobile #mindfulness tools do you rely on/wish existed? Answer w/ A1 start of reply. #SirenChat


Q2: When was the last time u had to make a real-time decision w/ no prep time? The outcome? Reply w/ A2. #SirenChat


Q3: Do you rely more on emotional intelligence or rational thinking? Reply w/ A3. #SirenChat


Q4: As a leader, what do you value more: your instinct or feeback from your team when making decisions? Reply w/ A4. #SirenChat


Tools and resources shared:

Ready for #SirenChat today 12-1 pm EST. #mindfulness #app that I use via @Hivequest: http://www.techurself.com/urwell.html


Read the transcript I created using TweetReach, including how many folks we potentially reached and a recap of the chat. Teaser of the transcript is below.

If you missed the chat but would like to keep the conversation going, add to the comments below or catch up with us on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest.

Next #SirenChat: Wednesday, April 1 12-1 pm EST! All leaders welcome!
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I joined #SirenChat and liked it! See you for the next chat: Weds April 1 12-1 pm EST!

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I’ve heard great things about #SirenChat + can’t wait to check it out: Weds April 1 12-1 pm EST.
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Meet leadership-minded folks (like me!) at #SirenChat. Each Wednesday in April 12-1 pm EST.
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{#SirenChat} Transcript 3/18/2015

So many thanks to the Sirens (of the female and male fatale variety) who participated in our second weekly #SirenChat for the month of March! March Madness? I’ll say. We had a marriage proposal and debate over whether size matters (when it comes to white boards, people. Get your mind out of the gutter). Here’s a roundup of the topics:

Q1: What was the last difficult decision you had to make (business or personal)? What was the outcome? Type A1 to reply. #SirenChat


Q2: When faced w/ a difficult decision, what tools do you use to stay centered? Mindfulness? Meditation? Reply w/ A2. #SirenChat


Q3: Have you read @Gladwell book #blink about rapid cognition? Share your snap judgement story. Reply A3. #SirenChat


Tools and resources shared including:

Ready for #SirenChat 12-1 pm EST today! I’m listening to @calm throughout the chat. #meditation #music


Jackpot: #leadership #training, emotional intelligence tools + more thanks to @businessballs #SirenChat

Read the transcript I created using TweetReach, including how many folks we potentially reached and a recap of the chat. Teaser of the transcript is below.

#SirenChat transcript snippet. Report via TweetReach

If you missed the chat but would like to keep the conversation going, add to the comments below or catch up with us on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest.

Next #SirenChat: Wednesday, March 25 12-1 pm EST! All leaders welcome!
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I joined #SirenChat and liked it! See you for the next chat: Weds March 25 12-1 pm EST!
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I’ve heard great things about #SirenChat + can’t wait to check it out: Weds March 25 12-1 pm EST.
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Meet great, like-minded folks (like me!) at #SirenChat. Each Weds in March 12-1 pm EST.
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{Recipe} Indian Rice Pudding

Orignal photo by Urban Siren LLC. Edits by the grace of Snapseed and YouCamPerfect iPhone apps

Every once in a while, a siren needs to eat. And since rice pudding may very well be the world’s most perfect food, here we go.

Sugar-free, dairy free, gluten free Indian Rice Pudding

Step 1: Grab your leftover rice from the night before.
Step 2: Add rice to saucepan and cover rice an additional inch or two with cashew milk (almond and rice milk work great, too). Stir in 1-3 cardamon pods. Add a dash of ground cinnamon and a drop or two of vanilla and/or almond extract.
Step 3: Simmer pan over very low heat until the mixture begins to thicken to your desired consistency.
Step 4: Sweeten at the end with honey if you like and add a sprinkle of cinnamon on top

Serve hot, warm or cold. Eat it in a panic like it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted. ‘Cause it kinda is.

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Honor the Backstory

Photo courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo. Edits by the grace of Canva.

Social media aficionados, bloggers, consultants, CEO’s and outlaws: we’ve all got a backstory. It may not make our A roll on Instagram, but it’s there. Oh, it’s there. It’s there in the years it took to build our businesses and relationships. It’s there in the disappointing rejections, hard lessons and isolating days behind a computer wearing pajamas while Tweeting fitness memes from a camera library. Haven’t been to the gym in eight months.

I’m not documenting this to tease out your confession.* That’s none of my biznitch. I’m sharing this to keep myself honest. Here’s what I’m not:

I have no prejudices against any of the above. Those are fields I don’t get paid for. Though Animal Spirit Magazine is a brilliant idea. Should that ever launch, I call dibs on intellectual property**. And I’m not making fun. I’ve worked with talented life coaches and found value in their offerings. Before I digress beyond repair…

“Don’t try to be something you’re not. And resist pretending that A Roll is the only way to live.”
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..what I’m trying to say is this: know the value of what you bring to your colleagues, clients and collaborations. Don’t try to be something you’re not. And resist pretending that A Roll is the only way to live. Learning from mistakes is one of the greatest benefits of entrepreneurship. I once said this to a friend on Instagram: Constantly leading with your A Roll makes you seem like an A Hole. And my subsequent advice:

“Constantly leading with your A Roll makes you seem like an A Hole.”
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The backstory is so gold. Take it from Clients From Hell. Sooooo…good.

Now that I’ve put my ass in front of my elbow (what even?), does this mean I must blog about the backstory? Fine. Fine. Stay tuned.

 “The backstory is so gold.”
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*Bold-faced lie. I want your confession
**Not kidding

What’s your backstory, morning glory? Share it here in the comments, on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

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{#SirenChat} Transcript 3/11/2015

Image template and edits by the grace of Canva.

So many thanks to the Sirens who participated in the inaugural #SirenChat! We had a hoot and tackled topics ranging from emotions that crop up when our decisions are challenged to leadership figures who inspire us. Regarding the former, I need to take a deep breath. Regarding the latter, I named Thich Nhat Hanh.

Read the full transcript I created using TweetReach, including how many folks we potentially reached and a full recap of the chat. Teaser of the transcript is below.

Transcript courtesy of TweetReach.

If you missed the chat but would like to keep the conversation going, add to the comments below or catch up with us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Next #SirenChat: Wednesday, March 18 12-1 pm EST! All leaders welcome!
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I joined #SirenChat and liked it! See you for the next chat: Weds March 18 12-1 pm EST!
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Meet great, like-minded folks (like me!) at #SirenChat. Each Weds in March 12-1 pm EST.
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Design Your Life

Photo courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo

Standing by the side of the road and watching go-faster folks pass with the colors you wish you were wearing is no way to approach business, life or pleasure. It’s a go-getter kind of world. We’ve heard it said in many ways, shapes and forms. “Go for the gold.” “Name your price.” “Work hard, play harder.” I’m a proponent of speed in a controlled way. Faster does not always equal better. Slow and steady is a force to be reckoned with. The kind of speed I’m describing falls in the “Blink” genre, a go-with-your-gut/don’t delay or deny what’s instinctual. I’m no fan of rushing into things without careful consideration. After all, I’m a Capricorn. Weighing options, careful assessment and rationally choosing a path is part of my stardust. Still, the initial reaction, the first blush, the snap judgement does the job but good.

Are you intrigued by the aforementioned duality and trying to figure out “what’s works when it comes to decision-making” and thus, designing your life? Yeah, me too. I’m fascinated by what draws a person toward their conclusion. Throw in my obsession with emotional intelligence (try this quiz via The New York Times) and we’ve got ourselves a heady cocktail.

Image and edit courtesy of Canva

Bring your favorite shaker and join me for my Twitter chat during the month of March: Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST. Hashtag: #SirenChat. Participants (that’s you!) will fuel our chat with experiences, stories and questions. We’ll discuss:

  • How a decision-making process either sealed the deal or broke the bank
  • Collectively exploring pros and cons of strategic thinking and gut instinct
  • Articles and examples of emotional intelligence and relate them back to ourselves
  • Self-awareness and how we interact with people and deal with circumstances
  • Creative solutions to mind-bending challenges including suggestions from our fellow chatters
  • Mindfulness exercises to help us stay in the present moment so we can best assess any situation
  • Resources and helpful tips to living a life by your design
Connect with us on Twitter so we’re ready to roll.

Bring your copy of Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Blink” for extra in-depth discussions on how the human mind works in a millisecond.

Not sure how this Twitter Chat thing works? Don’t fret. Read this and this

Ready and willing? Can’t wait? Same here. Help spread the word, invite your chatty friends and let’s make it a party!

Twitter chat with @urbansiren each Weds 12-1 pm EST this March to discuss designing a fantastic life. #SirenChat
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Design your life with entrepreneurs and social impact leaders each Weds 12-1 pm EST w/ @urbansiren #SirenChat
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Weds 12-1 pm in March we’ll discuss decision-making skills, gut instinct and more w/ @urbansiren #SirenChat
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Connect with likeminded thinkers exploring best practices for decision-making and productivity with @urbansiren
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Fan of #MalcolmGladwell and his book #Blink? Me too. #SirenChat each Weds 12-1 pm EST in March.
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Keep the conversation going in the comments section here and on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


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World You Love to Live In


Photo: Courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo. Edited via Canva.

Leadership comes in an array of shapes and sizes. There are blow-hard, self-proclaimed gurus, “diminishers” who throw out the baby with the bathwater, and those who balance wisdom, strength and compassion. Toward the third end, I’m not sure anything tops Pujan Roka‘s book “Bhagavad Gita on Effective Leadership: Timeless Wisdom for Leaders.” I purchased this book several years ago and it’s a staple in my library. The concept of “servant leadership” is an effective approach to leading with integrity. Dig videos? Watch it for more on the subject with Mr. Roka providing the presentation and slideshow.

“The greatest leader is the one whose existence is hardly known.” ~ Tao-te-Ching, 500 BC, from Mr. Roka’s presentation.
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“Selflessness is the greatest leadership quality.” ~ Bhagavad Gita, 3,000 BC, from Mr. Roka’s presentation.
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Do you envision yourself as a certain type of leader? Do you have a great leadership lesson to share? Add your voice to the comments section, or leave your mark on Facebook, TwitterInstagram or Pinterest.


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